An “interesting” start to 2017

As January has seemed to fly by, I thought I would pass along a few ideas on saving money and paying less interest. Awareness is the key. You would be shocked how many people I speak with who don’t know what is owing on their mortgage and more importantly what is...

Who Governs Mortgage Brokers in Ontario?

Who Governs Mortgage Brokers in Ontario? I would love to assume that in a perfect world, and in all lines of work, you would have customers who use services from professionals, and always have extremely satisfying experiences. You would think that having a satisfied...

Mortgage Penalties- Do I Break During Term

I thought I would remind everyone about the cost of penalties when breaking a mortgage during term. A lot of people think that one lender is the same as the other, but you can be terribly wrong with that mindset. The Globe and Mail published an article called...

Bridge Financing OR Refinancing Your Home?

I often hear the question, can I use bridge financing if my house doesn’t sell? There is a common misunderstanding about what is, and when “bridge financing” is used, so I thought I would help in clearing this up. To clarify, bridge financing is used when you have...